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- Member, District Innovation Council, Government of Kerala (Kerala Startup Mission)
- President, Central Travancore Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- President, PeacePeoplePlanet.Org
- Chairman, INNO-ARK, Healthcare Innovations Accelerator
- Chief Organisor, Centre for Innovation and Development of Affordable Technologies
- M. D. Susthiratha Environment Education and Development (SEED) Foundation, a non-profit registered company
- Director, Waferchips Techno Solutions (Biocalculus)
- Director, Edanad Industrial Estate (Private Industrial Park)
- Founder Directors, airis4D Labs (Artificial Intelligence Research and Intelligent Systems Labs)
Address: MACFAST, Tiruvalla, Kerala, India.
Mob: 9847366228, 7012662590
Landline: 04697960054